Prices in brothels start from 2500 rub up to 5-6000 rub. Usually 4000 + 1000 for anal.
Most of Brothels are really bad looking. Based in appartments. Brothels as well as prostitution are officially prohibited in Russia that is why this niche is "bad smelling"
You can't buy "sex magazines" from kiosks. All such magazines was closed. All you can find is a special magazines delivered in hotels, saunas, taxi drivers etc... 90% of ads there will be fakes. The 100% option is to take a girl from a strip club, but it will be very expensive. (Strating from 15000... most likely 25000) All other options are 50/50. You lucky if you find a good girl in a brothel, but there is a big chance that a place and a girl will be very bad.
Girls for 1000 rub in St Petersburg? Where? :)