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MORE than 500 Sydney prostitutes are offering unprotected sex to clients, raising fears they may be contributing to the spread of sexually transmissible infections. The trend, revealed in a survey of online advertising and adult forums, has alarmed somebrothels which want any commercial sexual activity without a condom to be illegal. The study by sex industry consulting firm Brothel Busters has found 507 sex workers are offering oral sex with no protection at both legal and illegal premises in Sydney. About two-thirds were identified as Asian, while one-third were Caucasian. The manager of legal Edgecliff brothel Liaisons - who identifies herself as "Helen" - said laws governing unsafe sex practices at commercial premises needed toughening. "It should be illegal because you've got to practise safe sex. If you're not, you can spread disease and you're putting sex workers and clients at risk," she said. No happy ending for councils and brothels In pictures: Illegal brothels in Sydney "What should my girls do to protect themselves? It's not like clients walk in with a health certificate. "The only way we can combat that is with compulsory use of condoms." NSW has no legislation specifically banning unsafe sex. There are only guidelines issued by NSW Health and WorkCover recommending the use of condoms. The laws in other states are much tougher. In Victoria and Queensland, for example, it is against the law for prostitutes and owners of licensed premises to offer unsafe oral sex. The differences have prompted Brothel Busters boss Chris Seage to argue that NSW should fall into line with Victoria and Queensland. Mr Seage said he was concerned the spread of disease could rise if the level of unsafe oral sex was left unregulated. "The 507 prostitutes identified could be seeing up to 10 clients a week, which means up to 5000 Sydney men each week could be exposed to STIs," he said. "The question is, are these punters then going home to their wives and girlfriends and potentially spreading the problem further?" Professor Basil Donovan, head of the sexual health program at the federal government-funded Kirby Institute, said he was "concerned" about evidence of a rise in unsafe oral sex. But he argued that making unsafe oral sex illegal was no silver bullet: "No law will ever stop unprotected sex. (But) I would like to see WorkCover inspectors conducting investigations regularly." Another brothel owner, Frank James of Black Cat at Surry Hills, said his own investigations had found "one place in Crows Nest that's basically a $2 shop - it's not even a sex premises - but out the back anything goes." Mr Donovan said council regulations meant that some premises were operating "under the radar". Source: dailytelegraph.com.au/
April 8, 2013Residents of Perth's most infamous suburb for prostitution have spoken out about sharing their streets with sex workers, however remain divided over whether the women should be forced out. Following a push to clean-up "hot spots" in Highgate, Mayor of Vincent Alannah MacTiernan has launched a campaign to remove street-walkers and curb-crawlers from the district. At a recent council meeting, residents were told that the City of Vincent was taking a strong approach to stop a perceived increase in sex being sold in the streets. Smith Street resident Ray Clarke lives next to a block of housing which he believes is the base of around six to ten regular street prostitutes. He said the amount of violence and anti-social behaviour had increased over the last year, which he said was directly related to the soliciting. "There is a safety issue. I've found needles and empty packets on the side of the road... a lot of the young girls that live around here are harassed, when they are walking home these curb crawlers think they are part of the scene," he said. Mr Clarke said residents have made "numerous complaints" over the last 18 months that he has lived in the street. He said the "workers" would have been kicked-out by now if they had been renting privately, instead of through the Department of Housing. "I'd like the Department of Housing now to get involved. They can't just be at arm's length anymore, they really need to get involved and know what they're tenants are doing and who they are. "If they were renting privately... you would bet they would be receiving a breach of contract for operating on the street dealing in an illegal activity," he said. The Department of Housing said on Monday that it is "aware of allegations of prostitution in Stirling Towers" and is "currently working with the police and the City of Vincent to investigate". It said the Government's Disruptive Behaviour Management Strategy, introduced in May 2011, sought a balance between supporting clients to maintain their tenancies and protecting the community from unreasonable disruption. Steve Parry service delivery general manager of the Department of Housing said it would not accept activities such as prostitution in properties. "When the Department receives a complaint it will investigate and a strike will be issued against a tenancy where appropriate if the complaint is substantiated." "The Department of Housing does not condone activities such as prostitution occurring in its properties and if there is evidence to suggest such activities are taking place we will move to evict," he said. Despite support from a number of residents, not all believe that the prostitution is a problem. One Stirling Street resident said he and his partner bought their house over a year ago regardless of its location, opposite the "most popular pick-up corner". "This spot is like the Hay Street of Kalgoorlie. It has been going on for a long time, before I ever moved in here, ten or 15 years ago I was reading about it. "It's not dangerous - It's all blown out of proportion. "If we move it from here, the trade is just going to move somewhere else. I would honestly prefer for it to stay the way it is," he said. While Drew said it doesn't bother him seeing the "regular girls" walk-up and down his street being "picked-up by men in cars" but believes there would be less activity with an increase police presence. "If the police just did the rounds more often that would make a big difference, but they don't." His partner says she walks home at night and has never been propositioned, or feels unsafe. "What I think they really need to focus on is having someone who the girls could go to. Not like a regulated system because obviously those girls are doing it for a reason and a lot of it is, from what you've seen, is because of drugs or mental health. "It's one of the oldest professions in the world, it's not going to stop." Source watoday.com.au
Where can you find street prostitutes in St.Peterburg?
Prostitution scene is very good in Baltimore. The Block has strip clubs, adult cinemas and other things every major Red-light district should have. Streetwalkers are all over the city and online prostitution is booming.
Missouri Strip Club Map: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Missouri_Strip_Clubs Any reviews of these strip bars?
There is some caucasian prostitutes in Merrimack st. Usually cheap prices and there is usually 1-2 girls any time of the day.
Where are the major street prostitute areas in Philadelphia?
An estimated 31,282 Portland men -- 3.7 percent of the adult male population -- solicit prostitutes from online sex advertisements, according to a novel study of 15 U.S. cities by Arizona State University. The Rose City fell in the middle of the pack in per capita solicitations, lagging far behind Houston (21.4 percent), Kansas City(14.5 percent) and Las Vegas (13.5 percent), according to the study.
The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. Police station sits in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip bars, where "john's" can simply pick up a hooker, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip bar. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip bar know this goes on, but they receive a cut. Source: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Oklahoma_City
Where are the prostitution areas in Cabo San Lucas?
Any Massage Parlors in Puerto Vallarta and how much does 1 hour cost?
Where are the prostitution areas in Nuevo Laredo?
Where are the prostitution areas in Ciudad Juarez?
Any info about Casino hookers in Atlantic City?
How much streetwalkers in Omaha usually charge?
Where can you find street prostitutes in South Jersey?
To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Bismarck escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Bismarck
Where can I find some hookers in Sioux Falls?