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Everything posted by RedLights

  1. RedLights

    General Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Syracuse escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Syracuse_(New_York)
  2. RedLights


    Spijkerkwartier (near industrial area Kleefsewaard, near AXO) "Spijkerkwartier Red Light District once had nearly 240 windows and it was almost the biggest RLD in Netherlands. On January 4, 2006, the window prostitution actually ended and there is now more window prostitution in Arnheim. Car Prostitute pick-up zone : Industrial area Kleefsewaard, (side street Westervoordsedijk) From January 2007 to soliciting prostitution customers in Arnhem punishable if they are outside the zone or outside the hours paid sexual services decrease. A council meeting in June 2007 decision prostitution area to stay open because the addicted prostitutes could not be compelled to kick the habit. You can read more from Netherlands WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Netherlands
  3. RedLights

    Red-light district

    Linienstraße, a partly blocked off street close to the railway station. The road is about 200 meters long and the access road to the line is separated by a modesty panel of other public space. A sign with a reference to a no longer relevant Act of 1957 allows access only for adults. In the line road is found mostly apartment prostitution , the services and prices are generally on the windows to be negotiated. Usually hookers will charge normally 30 Euro for 20 minutes of fucking, sucking und change position. Sometimes up to 50 Euro. Dortmund Red Light District Map: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Dortmund
  4. RedLights

    General Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the “Reply to this topic" button on top or adding your post in “Reply to this topic" section at the bottom. If you can not find the information you are looking for, you can also check out the Ulanbaatar Red Light District Guide from: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Ulanbaatar
  5. RedLights

    Street Prostitute Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Newark-Elizabeth escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Newark_(New_Jersey)
  6. RedLights

    General Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Phoenix escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Phoenix
  7. RedLights

    Street Prostitute Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Atlantic City escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Atlantic_City
  8. RedLights

    Das Bordell and Brothels

    Pascha - Biggest brothel in Europe Das Bordell - Down market version of Pascha These are the top brothels in Cologne. You can get pussy as cheap as 30 euros!
  9. RedLights

    Erotic Massage Parlors

    To post a reply to a topic, select the “Reply to this topic" button on top or adding your post in “Reply to this topic" section at the bottom.
  10. RedLights

    General Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the “Reply to this topic" button on top or adding your post in “Reply to this topic" section at the bottom.
  11. RedLights

    Massage Parlor Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Jacksonville escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Florida
  12. RedLights

    Street Prostitution

    I would guess that poor african prostitutes in Barcelona do not have smartphones. But idea of this app sounds good.
  13. RedLights

    The Kurdistan Region

    Do you have some more information?
  14. RedLights

    General Reports

    Usually high class escorts in Antalya charge about 150-300 USD per session. Strip club girls will also charge about same. Street whores are much cheaper and you can read more from Antalya Sex Tourism guide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Antalya
  15. RedLights


    What is this sex shop called? Do they have a private striptease shows or adult arcade?
  16. RedLights

    General Reports

    Great articles. In my visit around China, I had a great time in every city and founded out that every big city in China has prostitutes.
  17. RedLights

    General Reports

    There is only about 25.000 people living in Burlington, so it is very hard to find prostitutes in my guess.
  18. RedLights

    Street Prostitute Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the “Reply to this topic" button on top or adding your post in “Reply to this topic" section at the bottom.
  19. RedLights

    Street Prostitute Reports

    Average pr Average price is 10-20 USD for western guys. You can read more from http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Phnom_Penh#Street_hookers_.2F_Prostitution Just use the condom and pick a hot girl and enjoy. Also please tell us your story after your trip!
  20. RedLights

    General Reports

    Hi Yujiro, What cities in Serbia would you recommend for mongers? Where can you find street prostitutes or high class escorts. I know the girls are stunning hot there though!
  21. RedLights


    Hi rhode1 Maybe you can first start from Haikou Sex Tourism Guide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Haikou In Haikou you can find some action near Sheraton downtown or you can ask your driver to help you find some girl, but be safe, because most taxi drivers try to scam you! The mainland ladies work in Sanya or the KTVs in Haikou. Prices in brothels start usually from 500 CNY which is about 90 USD. There is usually mamasan and 5-10 girls working Street prostitutes can be found from Wuzhishan Road opposite of the Haikou Hotel, Prices start from 100 CNY. Most are old and ugly. Hopefully this information gave you some help and please let us know more about your trip later! We want to know all the dirty details!
  22. RedLights

    Massage Parlor Reports

    Hi Guest_Massage ! Hi Guest Massage, Pleas tell me what place you are talking about, so maybe I can help you to remove it. Thanks.
  23. RedLights

    Massage Parlor Reports

    To post a reply to a topic, select the Reply to this topic button on top or adding your post in Reply to this topic section at the bottom. You can also find Tucson escorts, streetwalkers, body rubs, strippers & strip bars, ts & male escorts from WikiSexGuide: http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Tucson
  24. RedLights

    Sex & Prostitution

    What do you mean? Where can you find male escorts in Marrakesh? Are they actually guys who are selling sex or mostly Moroccoan transvestite escorts? How much they charge and is it dangerous to hook up with them?
  25. RedLights

    General Reports

    What do you mean "foreigner4arabs" when you say "Also gay life is getting just a little more active there!" ? Is there an actual male escorts in the streets or transexual prostitutes? Please tell us more!