NewYorkSexMachine 50 Posted March 11, 2014 Here is few Asuncion Casa´s (brothels) with reviews. Some brothels have very beautiful prostitutes and some have older dirty looking whores. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 326, Dpto. 1. Usually only one chick but hot ones. Session was not good, but awesome looking girl. 70, 000 for 30mins. *Azara 1565, at Cnel Irrazabal and Peru. Only 2 ladies at the day time. The best looking girls possibly out of the casas. Asking price is 150, 000 per half hour. You can bargain down to 100, 000. *14 de Mayo 1008, with Manduvira (Deseos Agency) One nice looking girl and couple ugly girls. 70,000 half hour. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 326, Dpto. 1. Usually only one chick but hot ones. Session was not good, but awesome looking girl. 70, 000 for 30mins. *Azara 1565, at Cnel Irrazabal and Peru. Only 2 ladies at the day time. The best looking girls possibly out of the casas. Asking price is 150, 000 per half hour. You can bargain down to 100, 000. *14 de Mayo 1008, with Manduvira (Deseos Agency) One nice looking girl and couple ugly girls. 70,000 half hour. *Avda Rodrigues De La Francia 226. Couple not so pretty girls and one hot girl, some ladies do anal. 100, 000 for half hour (70,000 plus 30,000 for anal). *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Piso 1 Dpto. 7.2 70, 000 for half hour. Only one chika at the day time and more at night. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Dpto. 4.3 Chicas. Mostly ugly women. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Pta. Baja, Dpto. 03. 70, 000 half hour. Ugly and hot ones. *Azara 1270, at Curupayty, (Babylonia). Same situation again. One nice girl (7. 5) and four ugly girls. I see a pattern here. Did the nice girl and the price was 80, 000 for half an hour. *Avda Rodrigues De La Francia 226. Couple not so pretty girls and one hot girl, some ladies do anal. 100, 000 for half hour (70,000 plus 30,000 for anal). *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Piso 1 Dpto. 7.2 70, 000 for half hour. Only one chika at the day time and more at night. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Dpto. 4.3 Chicas. Mostly ugly women. *Ave. Eusebio Ayala 270, Pta. Baja, Dpto. 03. 70, 000 half hour. Ugly and hot ones. *Azara 1270, at Curupayty, (Babylonia). Same situation again. One nice girl (7. 5) and four ugly girls. I see a pattern here. Did the nice girl and the price was 80, 000 for half an hour. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites